Tällä sivustolla käytetään evästeitä

Tämä sivusto hyödyntää toiminnan kannalta välttämättömiä evästeitä sekä sivuston kehittämisen mahdollistavia tilastointievästeitä. Joidenkin sisältöjen näyttäminen voi lisäksi edellyttää markkinointievästeiden hyväksymistä. Lue lisää käyttämistämme evästeistä.​​​​​​

Tällä sivustolla käytetään evästeitä

Tämä sivusto hyödyntää toiminnan kannalta välttämättömiä evästeitä sekä sivuston kehittämisen mahdollistavia tilastointievästeitä. Joidenkin sisältöjen näyttäminen voi lisäksi edellyttää markkinointievästeiden hyväksymistä. Lue lisää käyttämistämme evästeistä.​​​​​​

Evästeasetuksesi on tallennettu.

Call for abstracts, Progress Report YIAC 2020, Extended DL 23.2.


46th Progress Report Meeting - Young Investigators Award Competition (YIAC)
April 22, 2020, Tampere

Organized at the Spring Meeting of the Finnish Cardiac Society on April 22, 2020, Tampere -talo, Tampere

Read the Abstract submission instructions before submitting (https://www.fincardio.fi/tutkimus/progress-report-yiac/)

On-line services https://ilmo.contio.fi/sksabstract/abstract.aspx  are open from January 7th to February 18th.

Extended ead-line for abstract submission: February 23, 2020

The Progress Report Meeting - Young Investigators Award Competition (YIAC) is one of the major activities of the Finnish Cardiac Society (FCS). The annual competition is open for those Finnish investigators and foreign investigators working in Finland, who have not had their dissertation/doctoral thesis at the time of the competition and/or have not won the competition earlier on. The investigators can submit multiple abstracts, but only one abstract per presenter can be chosen to compete at the YIAC. Acceptance/rejection information will be sent at least 4 weeks before the meeting. All abstracts accepted to the competition will be published in Sydänääni (the membership journal of the FCS).

The abstracts submitted to the Progress Report Meeting must be original scientific research. The competition is open for all unpublished studies and for those research reports which have been published in a peer-reviewed journal after the previous Progress Report Meeting. If the paper has been published in electrical or printed form the presenter must provide written documentation that the publisher has given permission to publish the abstract in Sydänääni. In addition, the presenter of the abstract must have had a major contribution to the study, i.e., he/she has to be either the first or second author of the paper and fulfill also the above criteria.

There are two categories in the competition: clinical and basic science. The category must be identified during abstract submission. The abstracts must be submitted using the on-line service by the deadline. The abstracts are blind-reviewed and graded based on their scientific merit and originality. Ten best graded abstracts will be presented orally in English (10+5 minutes) at the YIAC. The winner of each YIAC category will be rewarded with a travel grant of 2300 €. However, depending on the number and quality of the abstracts, the organizers reserve the right to combine the categories. If the categories are (to be) combined, either two firsts or a first and a second prize will be awarded upon the decision of the jury. Winners will be announced at the FSC Annual Meeting Dinner on April 23, 2020.

The presenters of the YIAC have a free admission to the Spring Meeting on April 22-24, and their travel and accommodation costs are covered by the organizers.

Abstracts can only be submitted by on-line services.

Please note that submission of an abstract to a national/regional meeting like the Progress Report Meeting, does not prohibit submission of the same abstract to the major international cardiology congress and vice versa. 

Contact information: Finnish Cardiac Society, e-mail: fcs(at)fincardio.fi or phone +358 (0)10 548 1001.